Barefoot, Sorry SOLD OUT. Paperback by Jane Antcliff - Wilson.

This is the most controversial horse book ever written and explodes the myth that traditional methods of horse-keeping and how we train the domesticated horse are acceptable. It is shocking in it's honesty but very inspiring
Pendal Spring Song has been the guide, teacher and mentor on this incredible journey between human and horse.
This book views the horse from the perspective of sentient being and is based on experience and research. This book is the fore runner of a movement which is awakening all over the world, as the new breed of horse guardians are stirring up a revolution and kicking back against the cruelty and ignorance dominating the horse world.
For the reader, even if your interest is not specific to horses, this book is an inspiration and encourages positive thinking and stimulates every one to 'think outside the box' but importantly, that it is never too late to fulfil your dreams, be brave and challenge the status quo,
This is important for the future of the horse.
300 pages and 14 Chapters of pioneering information inter weaved with a fascinating story.
UK p&p 2nd class £2.50 USA p&p £16.00 Australia/New Zealand £13.50 Europe and Everywhere Else p&p £11.50
Please email [email protected] for any more info.
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Kerri UK - I read this before I got my horse and as Jane did in the book I made a promise to him I would take him home, remove his bit, his shoes and never once use a whip. We’ve had him almost 4 weeks and I’ve kept my promise, and he is proving to be amazing. Making that promise makes me always put his needs first it’s fantastic. I recommend it to everyone.
Denise Price UK - I was so stunned and moved to my absolute core by your story and Pendal Spring Song that I had to write . Amazing and this has actually given me hope in this terrible world of ours at the moment that there will honestly be a shift and people will eventually think differently . All I can honestly say now is that I feel your book has opened me up to a new level of consciousness and I cannot say or express why but I have felt like I have had some kind of moment . The quote on the back by Albert Einstein was amazing too !! I am veggie but wish to think more about what you describe in your book and I too have been deluded myself . I am slowly going to cut out dairy and campaign for change.
Wilde Kate UK - Not stopped going on about your book since I received it Sunday. You are my enlightenment such a good read I cannot put it down.
Lynne Williams UK - I enjoyed your book so much and loved to hear about your special connection with your horses, you had me in tears (in a happy way) when I read about how your and Pendal came together, it that wasn't fate I don't know what it is !
Diana Coldman UK - Have just finished reading this awesome book by Jane Antcliff. It parallels many aspects of my own journey with horses and I wholeheartedly support this book in providing the necessary critical questioning in challenging the status quo of the equestrian world. This is definitely a book you must read if you want to update your thinking and approach to horsemanship today.
Marilyn Penny UK - Really thought provoking and challenging. Extremely well written
Leanne USA - I just finished reading this and much to my surprise I could relate to and appreciate everything she wrote about. I'd given up on reading "horse" books long ago because my journey with horses has changed so dramatically over the years and I just couldn't agree with most of what I read....many of them made me uncomfortable, angry and sad. I am thrilled to be able to recommend this one! Jane Antcliff-Wilson tells it like it is .... things our horses would tell us if we would only "listen"
Vicky Wilmott UK - I have just finished reading your book, I think I would have finished it sooner but had to stop several times as I couldn't see for the tears! What an amazing and thought provoking book you have written! You have given me so much information and insight into your world and I have a lot to think about in my own! I am in awe of you Jane! Truly amazing!
A review from L. Bowman - Hi Jane. I just wanted to tell you how thrilled I was to receive your book and how much I am enjoying it. My background with horses is so similar to yours (only most of my childhood was spent in the slums of New York). I don't bother reading many horse books anymore because since I began my journey of using positive reinforcement I can't bear to read about anything else! I was apprehensive about yours as well, but I thought I'd give it a try. I agree wholeheartedly with the information you provide and I understand fully the feelings you say you cannot put into words. I will eagerly share your book with my positive reinforcement friends!
Nicola Pollard UK - Dear Jane, I have just finished reading your book. Just wanted say thank you so much for writing it. I admire your courage and determination to stand up for all animals. I too have always loved horses in fact all animals. As a child and into my teens I went to riding lessons. I absolutely loved being around horses but always came away with mixed feelings of euphoria at being with these amazing animals and deep sadness and pity for them and a feeling of helplessness at not being able to rescue them all. Whenever I relayed this to an adult I was told that they were born into that life and didn't know any better. As a young child I knew this wasn't right but had no idea what could be done about it and I certainly didn't have the courage to stand up to the bossy stable witches as you describe them , some of them only my age. Everyone who has ever been close to a horse should surely 'get' what you are saying if only they will admit it to themselves and have the courage to change. I'm so proud of you and eternally grateful to you for having the courage,
Well done and love to your lovely horses. Xx
Lyn Cameron-Star UK - I have just been reading your book, I haven't been able to put it down it is absolutely amazing and made me feel like I was there in the book. Thanks for writing something so amazing. Lyn x
Marsha Rosen - Yorkshire - Wow your book is absolutely brilliant. I really enjoyed it.